
Life has failed you.

You’re caught in a labyrinth. Every turn inside the maze would lead to the door that won’t open. The paths betray you. The lampposts give no light. The grass would concoct a plot to ambush the feet. Your shadow trails behind you like the oil leaking out from the fleeing Bentley. The friends who had visited you in the hospital with corsages and unfaithful wishes would stab you to a putrid death with the birthday knife.

But the crystal ball doesn’t show you dead. There’s something that leads you to the door time and again. The barren lands haven’t given up on the clouds that tease the thirsty earth and obscure the sun. The sun just won’t die. The lights will penetrate the proud mass of water.
Without faith, the easiest climb is most difficult to scale. Pick yourself up and look at the sky. Lose yourself to the music and the lyrics will start to make sense. The doorknob will drop by the wayside. You were marooned on the island where no ships dock. Start building your boat and the weather will give way. Do not forget to take the cat along that had brushed its head and chin against your frail skeleton like a baby in his mother’s arm and became your best friend when the humane world had stranded you. 
Staple this piece of writing to a tree trunk.
Sail now. The sun has already lit up the sky.
Home awaits you.


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