Editorial 2015

[Editorial, Yearbook 2015, Summer Valley School, Dehradun.]

It takes Brobdingnagian excogitation to write your last editorial, cognizant of the fact that one needs to drop a line about every flake of reminiscences, moments of elated bliss, tragic and comic episodes, your entire school life in a nutshell.
A random tall guy with an undistinguished face amidst the crowd, who was somewhat adept in literary compositions to a man of humility, undecipherable cognition, and hardheaded wit; it has been such an enlivening journey. Class 2, Godawari to 12 Science, life was pain and pedagogy, quakes and edifice, pitch and pick.  One meaning to expressions transfinite, life was woe and win. But eleven years of relapse and resurrection, I've learned, school life is life lived best.
 I've grown accustomed to hate coupled with disgust, I've taught myself to give it a cold shoulder and plow on. I may stammer as a verbalizer, a wretched orator but as a writer, I transcend aerospace and anything beyond. My mind palace transpires words like an overflowing geyser. School catered for me the requisite attributes that I had to assimilate in order to become a man of honour. It gave me teachers to revere and opportunities to seize, moreover, goose-like rules to disobey, a dress to wear, pocket-size playground to run around, a director to run away from, an administration to joke about and what truly I hold dear, friends to kick asses of, kick asses with!
“Writing is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one was not driven on by some demon that one can neither resist nor understand.”
—George Orwell

As an editor, all I did was put my best foot forward and invigorate an appetite for creative writing through my literature. If my pieces of writing inspired anyone of you, it would make up for every bead of sweat and painstaking toil I've put into my editorship. I must acknowledge the efforts of every member of the editorial board who assiduously worked on this yearbook, this not at all minifying the assistance of our teachers, Ms Amrita Gambhir, to name one. It has been an honour to have worked with you and other revered teachers and to have worked along with my team of maniacs with an inordinate obsession with most over the top creation.
In a good book, the best is between the lines.
Hope you savour the soup of literature served to you in Yearbook 2015 and this conflagrates in you an appetence for reading and writing.

“A good book has no ending”. –R.D. Cumming
Stay awesome, stay inspired!

Gaurav Juyal with P.N. Onial (Director Education, Summer Valley School)


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