Feminism Unadulterated

Now I can’t define feminism or call myself a feminist, but what I practice has to be feminism and what I am, has to be a feminist.

Feminism is about equality of all genders. It is fighting for the rights of an individual and denouncing the dominance of one gender over the other. It’s about doing what you want, irrespective of what this society asks or expects you to do. Society should never decide for you.

I don’t understand what role does one’s gender play in determining things a person is supposed to do? There shouldn’t be a limit to what a woman can do. She shouldn’t be punished for realising her abilities and crossing the lines set by this patriarchal society; she shouldn’t be hated just because she did not conform to the role we had asked her to play. Just because feminism and female have first three alphabets in common, doesn’t mean feminism is for females alone. It is a movement for every gender and physical orientation. When feminism is associated with equal rights for women, it doesn’t mean we hate men or oppose their rights. It simply means standing up for the gender that has been suppressed for centuries and whose state worsened with time. No fact could deny male dominance over our society. And when we talk about women empowerment, let us not look at the empowered women around us and reach a conclusion. Let us keep in mind the destitute and impoverished women denied the basic right of living and victim of the society inclined towards male sex. Feminism is a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women and not men versus women.

We don't admit to our flaws and follies, do we? We take pride in degrading the logical argument put forward by an individual and shoot it down with cherry picked quotes and articles spread all over the internet with no authenticity. We beat wrong with another wrong of varying magnitude. Isn't feminism a victim of such modern mislead generation's abuse?

Yes, it is true that the word 'feminism' is being thrown around irrespective of its intended target area, by people vaguely associated with the movement. Some feminists have extreme views on feminism and its objectives. But it doesn't have to discolour the morality of feminism as a movement and its righteous intentions.
We did not consider comprehending the true objectives of the movement but associate it with men hating by citing examples from its radical section that do not reflect feminism in its righteous form. Extremism has done wrong and brought shame to every noble aspiring movement in all the centuries throughout the world. Feminism will be hated by many as long as it is defined by men and women who are judgmental hypocrites with fluctuating morals and broken integrity. It is important that we understand the unadulterated meaning of feminism and contribute to the society that is fair to all genders as dictated by reason and conscience.

Feminism is against any discrimination on the basis of gender. Our gender should not define what we can or cannot do; only our potential should. Our abilities and talent, and not genitals, should be the measure of our potential. Feminism should be taught to young kids as a moral value they should adhere to throughout their lives. It should be preached and followed as a religion, one that has no god, no name but humanity and morality.  Because no religion already existing on this planet could truly make its men respect women. Let us exert ourselves continuously and vigorously for a cause that’s noble, honest, unpretentious and conforming to the truth, without dissimulation.

Now I can’t define feminism or call myself a feminist, but what I practice has to be feminism and what I am, has to be a feminist.

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